well here in johannesburg, you rake them too! but not into a bag or anything. into the road! then, you pour gas on them and light a
match:) thats how its done! then, ya just go back inside hahah welcome to SA!
-we hit a big concentration of Muslims here in Bez valley while tracting. the rule is, we cant talk to them because it endangers us and them. so, we thought of a good way anyway to intoduce our message (we wont really break the rules but its fun to joke) i thought that we can knock and instead of saying "hi we're missionaries from the church yada yada restored gospel yada yada" that when a muslim answers the door, we say "hi, would you like to learn more about the prophet muhammed?? *lets us in* just kidding! we're Mormons!!" hahaha we crack oursleves up ;)
-tomorrow ill have been out for 2 months!!!!!!! whoa!!!!!! only 22 more to go hahaha;)
-big sean and kendrick lamar are coming to concert here in joburg.
elder matos and i decided we'll buy tickets and go if its on our p-day! haha if not, we'll just switch our p-day! (haha we wish
-oh! we also saw lil wayne here in bez valley.. or his twin.. but im sticking with tha carter himself :) cheers!
-thanks to those of you who sent mail!! im busy writing responses when i have time! keep em coming because mail is treated like gold here among missionaries!!
family and friends back home, i love you and appreciate your prayers on our behalf and my behalf:) i pray for you everyday!! uthando!
tha's 'bout it!
elder smith:)